Employees' Responsibilities
11.01 Academic Freedom
In accordance with the concept of academic freedom, each faculty member is encouraged to inquire, research, explain, and discuss subject matter provided that the faculty member avoids biased discussion of controversial matters and discussions unrelated to course material, follows the prescribed course outline, uses the text selected by the department chairperson, or his/her designee with appropriate input, plus whatever other supplemental material the instructor deems appropriate, and prepares the students for success in the course.
Every member of the faculty of the College is a member of a learned profession and a representative of the College. When speaking or writing as an individual, he/she should be free from College censorship or discipline. His/her special position in the community, however, imposes special obligations. As a person of learning and a recognized representative of the College, the faculty member should remember that the public may judge the profession and the College by his/her utterances and manner. Hence, the faculty member should strive at all times to be accurate, exercise proper restraint, show respect for the opinions of others, and indicate that he/she is not speaking for the College on the subject under discussion unless designated to do so.
All members of the College community should be especially mindful of the fact that the College is a public, tax-supported institution; as such, the College has a concern for institutional harmony, for the ability of each employee to work productively with others, and for conduct by employees which perpetuates public confidence in the institution.
11.02 Faculty Research
Faculty members may engage in research and publication, but primary interest at the College is on the student learning process. Teaching will be the primary assignment of all faculty members and no teaching load will be reduced for research or publication without the approval of the President of the College.
11.03 Academic Advisement
Deans of Instruction or their designees are responsible for assigning academic advisement responsibilities at their respective campuses.
11.04 College Copyright Policy
Copyrightable works produced by employees on College time or at the direction of the College may be deemed property of the College. (See College Copyright Policy in the Curriculum Guidelines of the Manual of Procedural Guidelines for details.)
11.05 Chaperoning
Student events conducted in the name of the College, either on or off campus, require chaperones. Members of the faculty and staff are encouraged to serve as chaperones and to act as resource persons for the groups participating in the scheduled events. If an employee agrees to chaperone a student group and for some reason is unable to fulfill the obligation, the employee must notify both the student group and the Dean of Student Affairs in order that a qualified substitute may be found. At the request of the Dean of Student Affairs, qualified public safety personnel must be assigned.
11.06 Formal Exercises
All full-time and regular part-time employees must attend and participate in formal collegewide and campus events, including but not limited to employee recognition, campus updates, and in-service, unless excused by the appropriate vice president. (Amended Board of Trustees, 1/16/2024)
Additionally, all full-time faculty members, academic counselors, and administrators must attend and participate in the formal academic exercises of their campus, including but not limited to commencement and student orientation, unless excused by the appropriate vice president.
11.07 Gratuities
As employees of the State, personnel are not permitted to accept money, goods, unrelated services, entertainment, or any form of gratuity, either directly or indirectly from any individual or company interested in business or financial relations with the agency. Any such gift received must be returned to the donor. Laws regulating the conduct of officers and employees are included in Delaware Code, Title 29, Chapter 58, Subchapter I.
11.08 Nepotism
This policy is established to ensure fair and equal treatment of employees and applicants while minimizing situations which have the potential for creating an adverse impact on work performance or create either an actual conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.
"Family or household member" includes the following relationships, whether established by blood, marriage, or other legal action: a parent, child, grandparent, great grandparent, grandchild, great grandchild, spouse, sibling, aunt/uncle, great aunt/uncle, nephew/niece, grand nephew/niece, first cousin, in-law, step relative, and any person in a cohabitative relationship with the employee or anyone residing in the employee's household.
"Supervisory authority" may be direct or indirect and requires the ability to make or influence decisions affecting the terms and conditions of employment for any person who is a member of the employee's family or household.
Members of the same family or household are eligible for employment with the College. However, except as permitted herein, no employee shall:
a. Be hired into, assigned to, promoted to, or transferred into a department if supervisory authority affecting that department is administered by a family or household member;
b. Participate in the selection, hiring, promotion, transfer, discipline or performance review of any person who is a member of the employee's family or household;
c. Assume the role of investigator or decision-maker with respect to complaints or allegations of impropriety against a family or household member.
Employees have a responsibility to disclose any work assignment covered by this policy, whether existing at the time of adoption or that may subsequently arise. In such cases, the vice president and campus director or president for employees in the Office of the President shall take such action as s/he deems to be in the best interests of the College, which may include, without limitation:
a. Modifying the normal supervisory and reporting relationships to avoid an actual or perceived conflict of interest;
b. Making suitable plans for the transfer of one of the employees;
c. Assignment of a different supervisor; and/or
d. Determining that an exception is appropriate.
Any transfer or re-assignment under this provision will be consistent with the applicable provisions of the College Personnel Policy Manual.
In exceptional circumstances, supervisory authority may exist between employees who are family or household members. Such circumstances may be necessitated by factors such as the unique qualifications or responsibilities of the individuals involved or the lack of other available appropriate supervisory personnel. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the appropriate vice president and campus director for campus employees or the president for employees working in the Office of the President, and may be subject to such conditions or limitations as deemed appropriate by the campus director or president. Exceptions involving a family or household member of a vice president must be approved by the president. Exceptions involving a family or household member of the President must be approved by the chairperson of the Board of Trustees. (Revised Board of Trustees November 18, 2008; Revised Board of Trustees June 6, 2006)
11.09 Safety Program
The Board of Trustees has directed the development of a Collegewide safety program, the scope of which is to:
- prevent accidents;
- provide guidelines for the proper maintenance of buildings, grounds, equipment and College vehicles;
- keep faculty and staff informed regarding safety issues by means of speakers, seminars, workshops, and consultants;
- instruct students in safety procedures used in their area of study.
Participation in the safety program is the responsibility of each employee and student of the College.
Guidelines for implementing and monitoring the College's Safety Program are listed in the Safety Manual. Supervision of this program as described in the Safety Manual is assigned to the Vice Presidents and Campus Directors and the designated safety officer(s).
11.10 Travel And Expenses
Authorization for travel (out-of-state, in-state, mode, expense reimbursement, etc.) is the responsibility of the President. The President may delegate this responsibility to the Vice Presidents and Campus Directors for the campuses. Additional information is contained in the Fiscal Guidelines of the Manual of Procedural Guidelines
11.11 Outside Employment
The first duty and responsibility of the full-time employee is to render to the College the most effective service possible. No outside service or enterprise, professional or other, should be undertaken that might interfere with the discharge of this prime responsibility or bring the employee, as an expert or in any other capacity, into conflict with the interests of the College.
At the same time, consultation and other activities of a highly professional nature are looked upon favorably and encouraged where these activities make a positive contribution to the professional development of the employee and bring favorable recognition to the College.
The College can assume no responsibility for the private services rendered by members of its staff. The staff member should make it clear to those by whom he/she is employed that such services have no official connection with the College. Additionally, Delaware Tech employees are not to use the Delaware Technical Community College name in conjunction with his/her name when teaching for another educational institution or any other outside employer. In the interest of sound administrative practice, supervisors should be aware of the professional activities of their staff.
11.12 Evaluations
All employees shall have their performance observed and evaluated by department chairpersons, supervisors and/or administrators. The purpose of the evaluation is to determine performance. A written evaluation, based upon performance criteria, shall be completed semi-annually during the first year of employment and during the first year in a position to which the employee has been promoted or transferred, and annually in each subsequent year. The annual performance appraisal period shall be between May 1 and September 30 of each fiscal year. The designated supervisor shall discuss, in conference, with the individual the written evaluation which shall be signed by both the employee and the supervisor. The employee shall be given a copy, and a copy shall be submitted to the appropriate administrator. The original copy shall be filed at the campus in the employee's personnel file.
If the employee disagrees with the evaluation, such disagreement should be noted by the employee at the time he/she signs the evaluation. The employee should express to the supervisor and the Vice President and Campus Director, in writing, the reasons for the disagreement.
Inasmuch as evaluations are intended to commend good performance and/or note performance deficiencies, those preparing evaluations should always attempt to be objective, candid, and fair in their appraisal of a subordinate's performance.
11.13 Electronic Communication Device Use Policy
This policy is implemented in order to maintain a productive, safe work environment and applies to both incoming and outgoing communications.
Cell phones and other electronic communication devices shall be turned off or set to silent or vibrate mode during meetings, conferences, and in classrooms or other locations where incoming calls may disrupt normal workflow.
Employees may use personal cell phones or electronic communication devices while at work on a sporadic basis and only for periods of short duration. If employee use of a personal cell phone or electronic communication device causes disruptions or loss in customer service or productivity, the employee may be subject to disciplinary action.
Due to safety reasons, the use of a cell phone or electric communication device(s) while driving a State vehicle is strongly discouraged.
The College strictly prohibits the use of camera phones and other recording devices in any manner which violates or compromises norms of personal conduct or the expectation of privacy that individuals have a reasonable right to expect. (Added Board of Trustees, 4/3/07)